Milano’s Pizza of Collierville, TN is a delicious, New York style pizza cafe that has a relaxed, family friendly atmosphere. They offer incredible food, beer, service, and prices.
Getting professional photos taken inside your place of business or of your products/services can truly influence a customers idea of your value. We’ve all seen the fake, pure photo stock landmines of websites that people create in order to look big and mighty. Keeping a personal touch is so crucial to gain trustworthiness from your target audience.

How We Work
Fun numbers and facts (and ways of displaying them) are great ways to engage a customer with information they’d like to know. Easy-to-read stats and silly captions on photos are prime examples.
For this particular business, having a menu online with prices listed was absolutely necessary. Convenience for the customer was the focus with Milano’s Pizza.
Design an eye-catching, user friendly website with a full menu, and marketing to target local potential customers. Increase visibility and rank in search engines starting from a brand new site.
We created a visually pleasing website with easy to read fonts and bold colors to bring attention to the best features of the Milano’s menu. We made sure to include contact information on each page so that customers could call any time they had a question without having to navigate through other pages. For the online marketing, we implemented strong titles and descriptions for each page and used other SEO techniques that have proven to be successful over time.
This website is still brand new! We’ve been working with this website for a little over 1 month, so results aren’t in quite yet. However, we’re making excellent progress and can’t wait to share the results with you all. Stay tuned!
From The Client
“While the project is fairly new, I’m excited to see where CodeWithPower can take us. We’re looking to draw in people and to spread the word about our great pizza.”