About Us
Boosts Your Website Traffic!
With our wide range of online marketing techniques like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and Website Design, we can offer the right solution for your business when it comes to gaining more visibility and website traffic.
“We place a strong emphasis on meticulous analysis, thoughtful planning, and strategic execution. Our dynamic team is comprised of highly dedicated individuals who are committed to implementing the most effective web design and SEO techniques to propel your business to new heights.”
– Joel Newport, Owner & Founder of CWP
Our Story
The Story of Code With Power
Established in 2007 in Memphis, TN, our online marketing firm has a solid background in Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay Per Click (PPC), and many other strategies that can help your business. We create effective, fully customized web solutions tailored to support your organization goals, maximize efficiency, increase ROI, heighten visibility to a target audience, and to assist your company with awareness and branding. Today we are one of the top web design agencies and internet marketing companies in Memphis – we hope you join us in your journey to the top.
As one of the leading web design agencies and internet marketing firms in Memphis, we invite you to join us on the path to success. Our comprehensive online marketing services, including SEO, cutting-edge website design, and strategic pay-per-click advertising, are designed to propel your business toward its marketing goals. With our assistance, you’ll stand toe-to-toe with industry giants, establishing authority within the search engines and leaving a lasting impression on potential customers. Invest in a professional, interactive website that not only showcases your business but also entices visitors to return. Make every interaction count and give your audience a compelling reason to choose you.
Company Established
Memphis Headquarters
Signed NitroMGMT
Bought out SEONos
New Office
Partnering with NitroRedOrchard
3CX Phones and VoIP Services

Why Choose us

First Working Process
For startups and growing businesses, an online specialist can develop a digital marketing plan to help you grow.

Dedicated Team Member
Your digital consultant will also be able to kickstart campaigns and maximise your marketing budget.

24/7 Hours Support
Ensures continuous assistance for your business, addressing any issues or queries around the clock.

SEO Consultancy
Optimizes your website for better search engine visibility, driving traffic and engagement.

Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis identifies and evaluates your rivals' online strategies, highlighting opportunities for your business to gain a competitive edge.

Social Media Marketing
Boosts your brand's online presence and engagement across social platforms, connecting you with your target audience.